“How close, is too close?”
Dear Jen,
My wife and I are new to the Bryan and College Station area. We’ve relocated from the Dallas area and currently have almost all of our belongings in storage. Our daughter and son-in-law have been kind enough to allow us to live with them while we decide on which part of town and neighborhood we like the best. Although we moved here to be closer to our grandchildren, living in the same house has raised a question that we had not previously considered in our home search. We want to live near our family, but how close is too close? We appreciate any thoughts or guidance that you may share!
Thank you in advance,
Tom and Linda | College Station
Tom and Linda,
Welcome to the area! I think that you will find many things to love here (in addition to your family)!
Your question is an important one. However, because I do not know all of the details of your particular situation, I believe that it is probably best for me to provide you with a list of questions to consider. After answering these questions, I think you will have a good idea of where you would like to purchase your new home.
– How do you feel about “pop-ins”? Do you prefer that your guests call before coming over? Do you mind if family members show up unannounced?
– Will you be assisting with watching your grandchildren? Would it make sense for you to live within walking distance or a short drive?
– Do you have any medical conditions or needs that will be best served by being in close proximity to your family members?
– Have you considered available neighborhood amenities such as golf courses or community pools?
I suggest that you determine the most desirable proximity in minutes instead of miles, as it is much faster to get to certain sections of town than others. In my experience, it is generally much faster to navigate north and south than it is to travel east to west. Higher traffic times will also affect travel times.
Congratulations again on your move. We have been blessed to have some of our family join us here in Bryan/College Station and it is just wonderful!
Best Wishes,

Do you have a question about home ownership or real estate? Please feel free to contact Jen Zweiacker at 979.450.0455 or visit Zweiacker & Associates at zarealestate.com.