Falls can become more common and more serious as people age. The good news is that there are steps you can take to help prevent them. Here are some tips. Identify the health factors that can increase your risk for falling-poor eyesight, reduced reaction time, a decline in muscle strength, and … [Read more...]
Senior Expo Winners
Congratulations to Jack Worbington and Don Kellett for winning our prizes at the Senior Expo last week. … [Read more...]
Advil, Aleve and Tylenol: What’s the difference?
You wake up with a terrible headache, a sore muscle or yesterday’s sunburn is bothering you, and shuffle your way to your medicine cabinet. You open the cabinet, hoping to find something to help with the pain and discomfort, but find yourself faced with three choices: Advil, Aleve and Tylenol. Which … [Read more...]
The Medicare Hospice Benefit
Hospice use among Medicare beneficiaries has grown substantially, suggesting greater awareness of and access to hospice services. The Medicare hospice benefit covers palliative and support services for beneficiaries with a life expectancy of six months or less. Once hospice services are elected, the … [Read more...]
9 Ways to Spring Clean Your Finances
As temperatures rise, snow melts, and days grow longer, you might get the urge to do a deep clean of your home. Pulling out old or unworn clothes, reorganizing closets, and donating unwanted household goods is a great way to kick off spring cleaning. As you dust, sort, and purge clutter, don’t … [Read more...]
Law School Students Bring The Big Event To DFW
On a rainy Saturday, 118 Texas A&M Law School volunteers, including students, faculty, staff, and their family members, participated in the Big Event. This marked the law school’s second year participating in this Aggie tradition. “It was great to see so many students and their family members … [Read more...]
Hope Pregnancy Center to open Testing 4 U clinic
Hope Pregnancy Center is expanding its reach to help women and their partners in the community with the opening of a new STD testing clinic off of East 29th Street in Bryan. “We are going to call it Testing 4 U,” said Tracy Frank, Executive Director of Hope Pregnancy Centers. “Our logo will be T4U. … [Read more...]
Medicare Savings Program and Extra Help paying for Prescription Drugs
In 2015, the income limits were increased for Extra Help Paying for Prescription Drugs and Medicare Savings Program. These programs help pay for Part D Prescription Drug Plan costs, Medicare Part B premiums and depending on your income could pay for Part A&B deductibles and co-insurance … [Read more...]
Tuberculosis: Collaborating to fight a global problem
No location on the planet escapes the devastating toll of tuberculosis (TB), the second deadliest infectious disease worldwide. A critical challenge in the TB fight is the reality that the disease hits citizens hardest in areas with the least resources to fight it. Participants at the George H.W. … [Read more...]
5 Nutrients That Can Improve Your Varicose Veins
According to the doctors at Brazos Vein Institute, your diet has a direct effect on the development and progression of varicose veins. Eating nutritious foods not only helps to maintain your weight, it also strengthens your veins and aids in healthy blood circulation. So, what types of foods should … [Read more...]
Hormone Therapy for Aging Men & Women
It seems that the more we know, the more we don’t know. New research is constantly emerging on a variety of health topics, but there is a common underlying theme — hormone balance. Did you know that men lose 3 percent of their testosterone a year starting around age 30, or that symptoms of estrogen … [Read more...]
Hearing for All
About one-third of Americans between the ages of 65 and 74 have hearing problems. Roughly half the people who are 85 and older have hearing loss. Hearing loss has many causes, symptoms, and effects when untreated over time. It is the most common sensory deficit in the elderly, and it is becoming a … [Read more...]
Alzheimer’s Disease: Communication Tips
Alzheimer’s disease can cause instances of confusion, fright and frustration for the person with Alzheimer’s disease as well as for loved ones and caregivers. Here is a list of tips to achieve better communication. The most debilitative and indicative symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is the gradual … [Read more...]
Texas A&M pharmacy researchers developing tool to test effectiveness of drugs
Someday, doctors might specifically attack diseased cells and – at the same time – protect the normal, healthy cells fighting infections and inflammation caused by treatments. Supported by funding from the National Institutes of Health-Small Business Innovation Research(SBIR/STTR), a team of Texas … [Read more...]
Is it a Medical Emergency?
At some point in life, chances are you’ll be taking a trip to the emergency room (ER). Approximately 120 million Americans do every year and according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 24 percent of seniors aged 65 and older made at least one visit to the ER in 2010. But how … [Read more...]