Cuban Pastries with 6 Ingredients
Article by Hannah Holbrook | Recipe by Jess Rios
Last year I moved in with a Cuban-Mexican family. There are so many things I love about this family: their culture, their loudness, their affection. One of my favorite ways to partake of their culture has been through their FOOD. Some of the most delicious things that the mom of the house makes are Cuban Guava Pastries. These flaky pastries are filled with tangy guava and sweetened cream cheese. They are crunchy, sweet, soft, and OH SO TASTY! These treats make for great desserts, snacks, and breakfast pastries. The best part? They are SUPER easy to make – in fact, you only need 6 ingredients. I hope this easy recipe allows you to experience a little bit of Cuba in your own kitchen during this quarantine. Enjoy!
1/2 can of Guava Paste (Goya brand is great, you can find it at our local HEB)
2 Puff Pastry Sheets
1 can of Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 Lemon
1 package of Cream Cheese
1 Egg
- Roll out one puff pastry sheet to fit into a rectangle baking sheet.
- Slice the store-bought guava paste into 1 inch by 2 inch rectangles.
- Beat the cream cheese with the sweetened condensed milk and juice of 1 lemon.
- Place the slices of guava paste a few inches apart on the puff pastry in a grid-like pattern.
- Scoop the cream cheese mixture on top of the guava paste.
- Cover with another rolled out sheet of puff pastry and seal them with an egg wash.
- Bake them at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes (until tops are golden brown).
- Enjoy!