In my mission to find amazing groups here in the BCS, I came across our local Beep Baseball league. A sport you probably never even knew existed, beep baseball is an adaptation of regular baseball for the blind or visually impaired.
As there are varying levels of blindness, each player wears a blindfold to even the playing field. Teams have two sighted players – a pitcher who can throw a beeping ball and an outfielder who can yell numbers to designate in which area the ball has been hit. The batter listens for the beeping ball and once contact has been made, one of two bases will beep with different noises, to signal the batter in which direction he is to run. If the ball is discovered and held up in the air before the batter makes contact with the base, he is out.
It may sound complicated, but check the video below. This is footage from the Outlaws’ last game against a team from SFA.
The BCS Outlaws are looking for new players. They are wanting to create a league team of visually impaired players to go onto the World Series in beep baseball and a club team where community members with no visual impairments can get involved as well.
For more information on this great sport, contact the Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living at (979)776-5505. You can also check out the BCS Outlaws on Facebook.