Questions Hannah Holbrook | Answers Brian Miller | Photos BCS Chamber of Commerce
Q: What is the Chamber of Commerce?
A: The Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce exists to enhance the economic well-being of the businesses in the communities it serves.
Q: What does it mean to be a Chamber of Commerce member?
A: As a member of the Chamber at my previous employer, and now as a part of the staff of the Chamber, I would have to say that the biggest feeling I get is being part of an exclusive club. Since we are the only Chamber of Commerce in the Bryan/College Station area and Brazos County, we offer a unique opportunity for our members to experience almost 200 events each year. If you hear of something happening related to the Chamber, you can guarantee that we’re involved!
Q: Describe your experience(s) while being a part of the chamber – what are some of your personal highlights and/or challenges?
A: I started out as an Ambassador with the Chamber, and eventually became a Captain within that group before joining the staff as the Membership Investment Representative. I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting literally hundreds of people over the last 3 years of my Chamber involvement and have gained some lifelong friends and business colleagues.
Q: It’s the 100th anniversary of the Chamber of Commerce – how does it feel to be a part of an organization with so much history? Tell me a little bit about the celebration – Founder’s Night / Centennial Celebration (highlights, etc.)
A: As if I wasn’t already extremely proud to be chosen to be an Ambassador 3 years ago, it was an even prouder moment for me when I realized that I was an employee of the Chamber during its 100th year in existence in our area. As someone who has come to really enjoy history, I think the highlight of the Founder’s Night event in 2018 for me was seeing the timeline that was on display and feeling the nostalgia of such an historic building in downtown Bryan.
Q: Are there any exciting things on the horizon for the Chamber of Commerce in 2019?
A: I think it’s going to be hard to top the historic, banner year our organization experienced in 2018, but I’m looking forward to continue watching the amazing growth in our area from the best seat in the house!
Q: What are some of the ways that residents of the Brazos Valley can get involved with the Chamber of Commerce?
A: With almost 200 events each year, there are so many ways our community can get involved that I couldn’t possibly mention them all here! But things like ribbon cuttings, Business After Hours, Crawfish Boil, First Responders Softball Classic, LobsterFest and Golf Classic can all be found on the calendar of events on the Chamber website