Information provided by
The Arts Council of Brazos Valley
The Arts Council of Brazos Valley
The Arts Council is pleased to take part in the 2020 Brazos Valley Gives’ Month of Giving. This month will accumulate in the Brazos Valley Gives Day on October 27th where we hope to reach our goal of $20,000. We want to thank our incredible community for always giving back, we appreciate every donation that comes our way!
Brazos Valley Gives is an initiative of the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley, and brings the region together as one community during the month of October to raise money and awareness for local nonprofits in 7 Brazos Valley counties. Last year, Brazos Valley Gives raised more than $363,000 benefitting over 100 nonprofits. We would like to continue this tradition by asking our community to give as they can! This year an anonymous philanthropist has agreed to match up to $10,000 when you give to The Arts Council via Brazos Valley Gives!

For more information on The Arts Council, its affiliates, and its ongoing community involvement, please visit or contact us at