Gift-Wrapped Goodwill
Consider Buying Presents For Or Donating
To Worthy Causes This Holiday Season
Artciel By | Erik J. Martin, CTW Features
There are many people on Santa’s “nice” list who deserve a handsomely wrapped holiday present. But the ones who have the greatest need for a gift this time of year are often overlooked and undercounted.
Many people will have to do without this December, from the homeless and underprivileged to needy families and impoverished children. But you can make a difference in some of these lives and generate instant holiday hope and cheer by putting some worthy charitable organizations on your gift list.
“This year more than ever, many charities were hit hard by COVID-19 and need the support of others to ensure they can continue to help those in need,” says Adina Lescher, vice president of Community Development at Smile Train (, a New York City-based organization that helps kids around the planet receive free treatment and care for cleft lip/cleft palate conditions. “Giving back to those less fortunate during the holiday season can be a great way to pay it forward and show your friends and loved ones that you care.”
Meg Nordmann, author of the book, “Have Yourself a Minimalist Christmas” (Amazon, 2020), says a great date to practice generosity is Giving Tuesday, which occurs on the Tuesday immediately following Thanksgiving (Dec. 1 in 2020).
“Participating in Giving Tuesday and helping nonprofit charities throughout the holiday season helps counter the mass consumption mindset practiced on Black Friday or Cyber Monday,” notes Nordmann. “Too often, we let the marketing messages and culture of consumerism become the loudest aspect of the holidays. But it’s important to remember that the true meaning of the season is about togetherness, joy, love, and a giving spirit.”
Diamond Dixon, media relations specialist for Unbound (, a Kansas City-headquartered charity that helps children, families, and older adults overcome extreme poverty worldwide, points to an increasing trend.
“At Christmas time, we notice many people give charitably to our organization in honor of a loved one instead of giving traditional Christmas gifts. For a family member who doesn’t want more material things, giving the gift of sponsorship or making a donation is a beautiful way to celebrate,” explains Dixon.
There are countless worthy causes and charitable associations you can contribute to, including organizations specific to your area as well as national and international groups. Many accept monetary contributions, wrapped gifts, or both. In addition to the two mentioned above, consider donating to or volunteering for any of the following:
- Action Against Hunger ( focuses on treating and preventing malnutrition in more than 45 countries.
- American Cancer Society ( aids less-fortunate American children and adults in fighting cancer and contributing to cancer research.
- Doctors Without Borders ( uses donations to provide medical care and basic medications, equipment and supplies to patients in countries coping with conflict and disaster.
- Everest Effect (, a group that provides relief resources to help people and communities recover and rebuild after a disaster.
- Heifer International (, a philanthropic organization that allows you to pick a specific gift designed to benefit needy folks in developing countries, including water for life, a goat, or a flock of chicks.
Make-A-Wish Foundation (, which helps make the dreams and wishes of young ones with life-threatening conditions come true via public donations.
- National Alliance to End Homelessness (, whose mission is to end homelessness in the United States and eradicate racial disparities among the homeless.
- Operation Christmas Child (, a Christian charity that encourages the donation of shoeboxes loaded with toys, candy, school supplies, and other items along with a personal note.
- Pajama Program (, which has delivered more than 7 million pajamas and books to kids across the United States and Puerto Rico over the past 19 years.
- Salvation Army (, which teams up with Walmart for its annual Fill the Truck toy drive designed to area families in need.
- Semper Fi Fund (, a group that offers “urgently needed resources and support for combat wounded, critically ill and catastrophically injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families,” according to its website.
- Toys for Tots (, a well-known organization that accepts new unwrapped toys that are delivered to less fortunate kids.
- UNICEF (, which helps children across the planet overcome malnutrition.
- USO (, which depends on donations to provide support to troops and their families.